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What are people saying about this film?
RED STATE VOICES is the perfect catalyst for a discussion that really goes somewhere.”

Take action! Now is the time to have this discussion. Before the next election. We need to understand each other in order to really grasp and address the issue.

What can you do?

Participate in and help foster the dialogue.

-Organize a screening and discussion of Red State Voices. Whether large or small, a screening and discussion can help make the difference. Contact us for details about ways you can bring this film to your community.

Participate! Go to a screening. Take part in a discussion. Visit the Red State Voices Blog. Help rebuild the bridges of communication that unite us rather than divide us. Try to understand those who you disagree with and those who disagree with you.


A word from the director:
The film does not focus on sound bites or snappy graphics. It does not play to stereotyped preconceptions. Instead it asks the important philosophical questions of thoughtful, articulate people and follows up on the answers in some depth. It gives us more insight into why they (the red states) believe what they believe than anything in the popular media. We also see who these people really are and find that they are not so different from ourselves. Thus we approach the common ground of sympathy and understanding from which a genuine dialogue can begin.

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